The performances of putty linings were estimated after comparative stu
dies under laboratory and under natural and industrial conditions. The
corrosion media for the laboratory studies were acid and alkaline sol
utions of various concentrations, sea water, all at high temperatures,
salty fog and tests at low temperatures. Also, studies under natural
and industrial conditions we-re carried out in urban environment, in m
arine environment and in some corrosive media from the chemical indust
ry (cisterns, various reaction vessels and filtration vessels). Estima
tes of the protective properties were made following qualitative (visu
al observations) and quantitative (percentage modification of the weig
ht, loss in weight, liquid absorption, hardness, bending resistance, c
ompressing resistance) measurements. The performances of these materia
ls were defined in terms of the corrosion media, the temperature range
and the efficiency time.