Crystal-held effects are very important as far as laser performances of Yb-
doped materials are concerned. In order to simplify the interpretation of l
ow-temperature spectra, two tools derived from a careful examination of cry
stal-field interaction are presented. Both approaches are successfully appl
ied in the case of new Yb-doped materials, namely Ca3Y2(BO3)(4) (CYB), Ca3G
d2(BO3)(4) (CaGB), Sr3Y(BO3)(3) (SrYBO), Ba3Lu(BO3)(3) (BLuB), Y2SiO5 (YSO)
, Ca2Al2SiO7 (CAS) and SrY4(SiO4)(3)O (SYS). The F-2(7/2) Splitting is part
icularly large in these materials and favourable to a quasi-three-level las
er operating scheme. Calculations performed using the point charge electros
tatic model for these compounds and using a consistent set of effective ato
mic charges confirm the experimental results. This should permit to use thi
s model in a predictive approach.