A 2 year study was conducted to determine the effects of surface cover and
roughness on sediment yield from plots subjected to a simulated most damagi
ng storm. This storm, based on long term sediment records from 3 Wyoming st
reams, produced approximately 18 mm of precipitation in 15 min with an inte
nsity of 97 mm hour(-1). The rainfall simulator covered 2 plots; each 0.6 b
y 2 m, Plots were on 9% slopes with highly erosive soils (silt and fine san
d texture) on native rangeland in 3 areas of Wyoming, Cover and surface rou
ghness were measured with a point frame.
Sediment production typically peaked approximately 120 sec after runoff sta
rted and reached steady state within 6 min. Plots with no cover (tilled) se
ldom produced runoff due to high infiltration and the short duration rainfa
ll, Sediment yield was moderately correlated with total cover for total cov
er less than 30%, and sediment yield decreased to 0.1 tonnes ha(-1) (assume
d allowable soil loss) or less for greater than 30% cover. There was a weak
correlation between surface roughness and sediment yield, and surface roug
hness was slightly correlated with total cover. These results suggested tha
t maintaining at least 30% total cover could control sediment yields from s
hort duration-intense storms. Experimental results also indicated considera
bly higher sediment yields than those predicted by the Revised Universal So
il Loss Equation or a modified version of that equation.