Populations of an introduced woody weed, prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica (L
.) Delile ssp. indica (Benth,) Brenan syn. Acacia arabica (Lam,) Willd. ssp
. indica Benth.), were surveyed at 4 sites in central Queensland. There is
a significantly lower frequency of plants of < 3 m in height within populat
ions which have been grazed by sheep, indicating that browsing by sheep red
uces regeneration. There were higher losses of seedlings at a sheep-grazed
site than at cattle-grazed sites. These results support previous assertions
that prickly acacia is regenerating more successfully on cattle properties
, because cattle both disperse seeds and are less effective herbivores. In
regions of low annual rainfall, prickly acacia is capable of forming dense
stands (up to 2,700 shrubs ha(-1)) in lowland landscape types, Stands are l
ess dense in upland landscapes (maximum of 718 shrubs ha(-1)). Of most conc
ern is that in regions of high annual rainfall prickly acacia can form extr
emely dense thickets across most landscape types (up to 3,400 shrubs ha(-1)
). We suggest that prickly acacia is most likely to become a management pro
blem on cattle properties, and an extreme problem in high annual rainfall a
reas. The inclusion of sheep in livestock rotations may be an effective con
trol measure in the Mitchell Grasslands, but this may not always be possibl
e. A high priority is to prevent prickly acacia from expanding its range in
to equivalent high rainfall areas within Queensland, and also in the Northe
rn Territory, northern New South Wales, and Western Australia. This could b
e achieved by quarantining livestock which have come front infested propert
ies until seeds have passed through the digestive tract, after about 6 days
. Management strategies at the property level should aim to prevent further
spread of prickly acacia by controlling cattle movements between paddocks
during periods when cattle are ingesting pods and seeds.