The ability of proanthocyanidins (PA) to form insoluble complexes with prot
eins and polysaccharides affects fiber digestion and analysis. This review
discusses these effects in relationship to the application of the detergent
system of forage analysis. A fraction of the PA in plants remains after ex
traction for analysis. Insoluble FA may be a natural Dart of the plant cell
wall or may be insoluble because of high molecular weight and post harvest
reactions. These reactions increase the amount of insoluble PA and decreas
e the amount of soluble PA. The butanol-HCl assay is the most suitable meth
od for analysis of insoluble PA. Insoluble PA are associated with negative
apparent digestion coefficients for acid-detergent lignin (ADL), neutral-de
tergent insoluble N and acid-detergent insoluble N, The addition of sodium
sulfite to neutral detergent eliminates insoluble PA from NDF. However, the
addition of sodium sulfite to neutral detergent will give misleading resul
ts in relationship to true digestibility of protein, The difference between
fiber fractions that are prepared with and without the addition of sodium
sulfite to neutral-detergent may estimate the amount of PA/protein complex
associated with NDF. A better understanding of the relationship between PA
structure and function is necessary to manipulate PA in forages through bre
eding or genetic engineering. The interaction between PA and fiber analysis
and digestion is an important component of this research.