The comparative mapping and sequencing of vertebrate genomes is now a key p
riority for the Human Genome Project. In addition to finishing the human ge
nome sequence and generating a 'working draft' of the mouse genome sequence
, significant attention is rapidly turning to the analysis of other model o
rganisms, such as the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus). As a complement t
o genome-wide mapping and sequencing efforts, it is often important to gene
rate detailed maps and sequence data for specific regions of interest. Usin
g an adaptation of our previously described approach for constructing mouse
comparative and physical maps, we have established a general strategy for
targeted mapping of the rat genome. Specifically, we constructed a framewor
k comparative map of human Chromosome (Chr) 7 and the orthologous regions o
f the rat genome, as well as two large (>1-Mb) P1-derived artificial chromo
some (PAC)-based physical maps. Generation of these physical maps involved
the use of mouse-derived probes that cross-hybridized with rat PAC clones.
The first PAC map encompasses the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
regulator gene (Cftr), while the second map allows a three-species compari
son of a genomic region containing intra- and inter-chromosomal evolutionar
y rearrangements. The studies reported here further demonstrate that cross-
species hybridization between related animals, such as rat and mouse, can b
e readily used for the targated construction of clone-based physical maps,
thereby accelerating the analysis of biologically interesting regions of ve
rtebrate genomes.