BACKGROUND. Diagnosis-based ease-mix measures are increasingly used for pro
vider profiling, resource allocation, and capitation rate setting. Measures
developed in one setting may not adequately capture the disease burden in
other settings.
OBJECTIVES. TO examine the feasibility of adapting two such measures, Adjus
ted Clinical Groups (ACGs) and Diagnostic Cost Groups (DCGs), to the Depart
ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) population.
RESEARCH DESIGN. A 60% random sample of veterans who used health care servi
ces during FY 1997 was obtained from VA inpatient and outpatient administra
tive databases. A split-sample technique Tvas used to obtain a 40% sample (
n = 1,046,803) for development and a 20% sample (n = 524,461) for validatio
METHODS. Concurrent ACG and DCG risk adjustment models, using 1997 diagnose
s and demographics to predict FY 1997 utilization (ambulatory provider enco
unters, and service days the sum of a patients inpatient and outpatient vis
it days), were fitted and cross-validated.
RESULTS. patients were classified into groupings that indicated a populatio
n with multiple psychiatric and medical diseases. Model R-squares explained
between 6% and 32% of the variation in service utilization. Although repar
ameterized models did better in predicting utilization than models with ext
ernal weights, none of the models was adequate in characterizing the entire
population. For predicting service days, DCGs were superior to ACGs in mos
t categories, whereas ACGs did better at discriminating among Veterans who
had the lowest utilization.
CONCLUSIONS. Although "off-the-shelf" case-mix measures perform moderately
well when applied to another setting, modifications may be required to accu
rately characterize a population's disease burden with respect to the resou
rce needs of all patients.