OBJECTIVES. TO identify the barriers, facilitators, and potential better pr
actices to achieving physician-system alignment.
METHODS. Interviews using a semistructured, open-ended protocol were conduc
ted during a total of 18 site visits, each usually 2 days in length, coveri
ng multiple topics of physician group-system alignment. Interviews were con
ducted with members of the target physician group, key leaders of the healt
h care system, and representatives of physicians not in the target group. T
he summary of the interviews for each of the site visits was analyzed to de
termine barriers, facilitators, and better practices for achieving more eff
ective relationships between physician groups and health care systems.
RESULTS. A number of barriers to more effective relationships between physi
cian groups and health systems were identified. Barriers related to environ
ment, culture, and information systems were most prevalent Other major gene
ral areas of barriers encountered were physician leadership, group-system r
elationship, compensation and productivity, care management practices, grou
p strategy, and accountability. Examples of practices that may help to reso
lve some of these issues were also identified.
CONCLUSIONS. Physician-system relationships can and do cause problems for i
mproving health care. The evidence from the conducted site visits suggests
that specific strategies may help improve these relationships but more rese
arch is needed in order assess the actual impact of these strategies.