Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the segmental coordinatio
n of vertical jumps under fatigue. Methods: Twelve subjects performed maxim
al countermovement jumps with and without fatigue, which was imposed by max
imal continuous jumps in place until their maximal jump height corresponded
to 70% of the nonfatigued condition. Video, ground reaction forces, and el
ectromyographic signals were recorded to analyze the segmental coordination
of countermovement jumps before (CMJ(1)) and after (CMJ(2)) fatigue. The m
agnitude of joint extension initiation, peak joint angular velocity, and pe
ak net power around the ankle, knee, and hip joints and their respective ti
mes were determined. Results: CMJ(2) was characterized by a longer contact
time, which was accompanied with an earlier movement initiation and several
differences (P < 0.05) in the variables used to describe coordination. Whe
n the movement duration was normalized with respect to the contact phase du
ration, the differences between CMJ(1) and CMJ(2) were not sustained. A con
sistent pattern was indicated, in which the segmental coordination did not
differ between jump conditions. When the magnitude of the muscle activation
was set aside, a remarkably consistent muscle activation time was noticed
between conditions. Conclusions: It was indicated that countermovement jump
s were performed with a consistent well-timed motion of the segments. A "co
mmon drive," which acts without the knowledge of the muscle properties, was
suggested as mediating and controlling the muscle activation timing betwee
n agonist-antagonist muscle pairs.