The recent cloning of two GABA(B) receptor subunits, GABA(B1) and GABA(B2),
has raised the possibility that differences in GABA(B) receptor subunit co
mposition may give rise to pharmacologically or functionally distinct recep
tors. If present, such molecular diversity could permit the selective targe
ting of GABA(B) receptor subtypes specifically involved in pathologies such
as drug addiction, spasticity, pain, and epilepsy. To address these issues
we have developed a GABA(B1) subunit knockout mouse using gene targeting t
echniques. In the brains of GABA(B1) null mice, all pre- and postsynaptic G
ABA(B) receptor function was absent demonstrating that the GABA(B1) subunit
is essential for all GABA(B) receptor-mediated mechanisms. Despite this, G
ABA(B1) null mice appeared normal at birth, although by postnatal week four
their growth was retarded and they developed a generalized epilepsy that r
esulted in premature death. In addition, GABA(B1) heterozygote animals show
ed enhanced prepulse inhibition responses compared to littermate controls,
suggesting that GABA(B1) deficient mice exhibit increased sensorimotor gati
ng mechanisms. These data suggest that GABA(B) receptor antagonists may be
of benefit in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders in wh
ich attentional processing is impaired.