Historically, association tests have been used extensively in medical genet
ics(1-2), but have had virtually no application in plant genetics. One obst
acle to their application is the structured populations often found in crop
plants(3), which may lead to nonfunctional. spurious associations(4). In t
his study. statistical methods to account for population structure(5) were
extended for use with quantitative variation and applied to our evaluation
of maize flowering time. Mutagenesis and quantitative trait locus (QTL) stu
dies suggested that the maize gene Dwarf8 might affect the quantitative var
iation of maize flowering time and plant height(6-8). The wheat orthologs o
f this gene contributed to the increased yields seen in the 'Green Revoluti
on' varieties(6). We used association approaches to evaluate Dwarf8 sequenc
e polymorphisms from 92 maize inbred lines. Population structure was estima
ted using a Bayesian analysis(4) of 141 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci.
Our results indicate that a suite of polymorphisms associate with differenc
es in flowering time, which include a deletion that may alter a key domain
in the coding region. The distribution of nonsynonymous polymorphisms sugge
sts that Dwarf8 has been a target of selection.