Using C-12 as an example of a strongly deformed nucleus we calculate the st
rengths and energies in the asymptotic (oblate) deformed limit for the isov
ector twist mode operator [rY(1)(l) over right arrow](lambda =2)t(+) where
(l) over right arrow is the orbital angular momentum. Whereas in a DeltaN =
0 Nilsson model the summed strength is independent of the relative P-3/2 a
nd P-1/2 occupancy when we allow for different frequencies wi in the x, y,
and z directions there is an enhancement of this strength due to deformatio
n that is stronger than for the ordinary dipole mode but much weaker than f
or the scissors mode. At the same time, it is observed that there are consi
derable changes in the spectrum and that the strength is strongly fragmente
d amongst these disparate levels.