The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and the Abl family of non-recep
tor tyrosine kinases have both been implicated in tissue morphogenesis, The
y regulate the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in the developing ner
vous system and participate in signaling pathways involved in axon growth,
Both Eph receptors and Abl are localized in the neuronal growth cone, sugge
sting that they play a role in axon pathfinding. Two-hybrid screens identif
ied regions of Abl and Arg that bind to the EphB2 and EphA4 receptors, sugg
esting a novel signaling connection involving the two kinase families. The
association of full-length Abl and Arg with EphB2 was confirmed by co-immun
oprecipitation and found to involve several distinct protein interactions.
The SH2 domains of Abl and Arg bind to tyrosine-phosphorylated motifs in th
e juxtamembrane region of EphB2, A second, phosphorylation-independent inte
raction with EphB2 involves non-conserved sequences in the C-terminal tails
of Abl and Arg, A third interaction between Abl and EphB2 is probably medi
ated by an intermediary protein because it requires tyrosine phosphorylatio
n of EphB2, but not the binding sites for the Abl SH2 domain. The connectio
n between EphB2 and Abl/Arg appears to be reciprocal. Activated EphB2 cause
s tyrosine phosphorylation of Abl and Arg, and vice vel sa. Interestingly,
treatment of COS cells and B35 neuronal-like cells with ephrin-B1 to activa
te endogenous EphB2 decreased the kinase activity of endogenous Abl, These
data are consistent,vith the opposite effects that Eph receptors and Abl ha
ve on neurite ougrowth and suggest that Eph receptors and Abl family kinase
s have shared signaling activities.