Several Calonectria (Ca.) and Cylindrocladium (Cy.) species were recov
ered from alfalfa-baited soil samples gathered in Colombia and Venezue
la. Perithecia of Calonectria naviculata sp. nov. formed in culture wh
en Venezuelan strains of Cy. naviculatum were crossed with ex-type Bra
zilian strains. Calonectria gracilipes sp. nov. (anam. Cy. gracilioide
um sp. nov.), a homothallic species, was isolated from Colombian soils
. Cylindrocladium graciloideum, Cy. gracile Cy. pteridis and Cy. pseud
ogracile form a complex of morphologically similar species characteriz
ed by clavate vesicles and primarily l-septate conidia. Each species c
ould, however, be distinguished using RFLP banding patterns. A key to
Calonectria spp. having Cylindrocladium anamorphs with 1-septate conid
ia is also presented.