We use the method of the color effective Hamiltonian to study the structure
of color singlet chain states in N-c = 3 and in the large N-c limit. In or
der to obtain their total fraction when N-c is finite, we illustrate how to
orthogonalize these nonorthogonal states. We give numerical results for th
e fraction of orthogonalized states in e(+)e(-) -->q (q) over bar gg. With
the help of a diagram technique, we derive their fraction up to O(1/N-c(2))
for the general multigluon process. For large N-c the singlet chain states
correspond to well-defined color topologies. Therefore we may expect that
the fraction of non-color-singlet-chain states is an estimate of the fracti
on of events where color reconnection is possible. In the case of soft gluo
n bremsstrahlung, we give an explicit form for the color effective Hamilton
ian which leads to the dipole cascade formulation for parton showering in l
eading order in N-c. The next-to-leading order corrections are also given f
or e(+)e(-) -->q (q) over barg(1)g(2) and e(+)e(-)-->q (q) over barg(1)g(2)