The genetic diversity and divergence of populations of Galapagos and H
awaiian Petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia and sandwichensis, respectively)
were investigated using allozyme electrophoresis. Within the Galapago
s Islands, P. phaeopygia samples were monomorphic at 12 of 13 loci. Th
e Hawaiian population P. sandwichensis was monomorphic at all 13 loci.
One fixed allelic difference was found between P. phaeopygia and P. s
andwichensis. Eleven loci were fixed for the same allele in both popul
ations. Our results indicate that there has been no recent gene flow b
etween Galapagos and Hawaiian Petrels, but gene how occurs among Galap
agos populations of P. phaeopygia. The existence of a unique genetic v
ariant discriminating Galapagos and Hawaiian Petrels, in addition to p
reviously documented morphological and behavioral differences, support
s the recent elevation of these two taxa to species status.