The frequent loss of the INK4a/ARF locus, encoding for both p16(INK4a) and
p19(ARF) in, human melanoma, raises the question as to which INK4a/ARF gene
product functions to suppress melanoma-genesis in vivo. Studies in the mou
se have shown that activated RAS mutation can cooperate with INK4a(Delta2/3
) deficiency (null for both p16(INK4a) and P19(ARF)) to promote development
of melanoma, and these melanomas retain wild-type p53. Given the functiona
l link between p19(ARF) and p53, we have shown shown that activated RAS can
also cooperate with p53 deficiency to produce melanoma in the mouse Moreov
er, genome-wide analysis of RAS-induced p53 mutant melanomas reveals altera
tions of key components governing RB-regulated G1/S transition, such as c-M
yc. These experimental findings suggest that both RE and p53 pathways funct
ion to suppress melanocyte transformation in vivo in the mouse.