This review supports the clinical impression that periampullary cancers var
y in outcome after resect ion. Overall survival after pancreaticoduodenecto
my is greatest for patients with ampullary and duodenal cancers, intermedia
te for patients with bile duct cancer, and least for patients with pancreat
ic cancer. Moreover, survival for each tumor stage is greater for nonpancre
atic periampullary cancers than for pancreatic cancers. Invasion of the pan
creas by nonpancreatic periampullary cancers is a major factor adversely af
fecting survival. Recent data suggest that that inherent differences in tum
or biology rather than embryonic, anatomic, or histologic factors probably
account for these differences in survival. Finally, although pancreaticoduo
denectomy remains the procedure of choice for resectable periampullary canc
ers, further increases in survival will likely evolve through more effectiv
e neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapies rather than modifications in the surgic
al approach.