Pituitary carcinomas are very rare. Defined as adenohypophysial tumors that
undergo craniospinal and/or systemic metastasis, most are PRL- or ACTH-pro
ducing. Their ultrastructural features, particularly relative to benign ade
nomas of similar functional type, have not been sufficiently explored. Elev
en cases of immunohistochemically characterized pituitary carcinoma with do
cumented cerebrospinal and/or systemic metastases were collected from vario
us institutions and studied by transmission electron microscopy. The tumors
were surgically removed from 7 women and 4 men ranging in age between 28 a
nd 74 years (mean, 50 years). All were endocrinologically functioning Six t
umors secreted PRL; three were ACTH-producing; one each was GH/PRL- and TSH
-producing. The patients with the ACTH-producing tumors had all presented w
ith Gushing's disease and two of them had undergone adrenalectomy (Nelson s
yndrome). In most cases significant cellular atypia and mitotic activity we
re observed. In terms of morphologic features of functional differentiation
, electron microscopy revealed that in 9 cases the tumor cells maintained a
t least some ultrastructural markers of their basic phenotype. A unique fea
ture in 2 ACTH carcinomas was the variable admixture of smooth endoplasmic
reticulum with intermediate (cytokeratin) filaments. In 2 cases, both PRL-p
roducing carcinomas, the cell type comprising the tumor could not be identi
fied on an ultrastructural basis alone. Ultrastructural investigation of pi
tuitary carcinomas confirms their endocrine nature and, in most but not all
cases, reveals their functional differentiation. Despite the diagnostic ut
ility of electron microscopy in the assessment of these rare tumors, the di
stinction of pituitary carcinoma from pituitary adenoma cannot be firmly ma
de on ultrastructural grounds alone.