Based on the data analyses by using NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data and other d
ata (OLR, precipitation and temperature). it Is shown that the tropospheric
circulation and climate in East Asia and the northwestern Pacific region h
ave the evident quasi-biennial oscillation (TBO) Feature. It is also shown
that anomalous East Asian winter monsoon can impact the atmospheric circula
tion and climate variations in the following summer. particularly in East A
sian region; there is clear interaction between anomalous East Asian winter
monsoon and ENSO cycle. The continuous strong (weak) East Asian winter mon
soon can excite El Ni (n) over tildeo (La Ni (n) over tildea) through the a
ir-sea interaction, the El Ni (n) over tildeo (La Ni (n) over tildea) event
can lead the East Asian winter monsoon to be weak (strong) through the tel
econnections or remote responses. The strong or weak winter monsoon and ENS
O cycle are linked each other. It can be suggested that interaction between
anomalous East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO cycle is a fundamental origin
of the TBO.