In the present work, 199 patients with leprosy who underwent autopsy betwee
n 1970 and 1986 were retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence, t
ypes, clinical characteristics, and etiologic factors of renal lesions (RLs
) in leprosy. Patients were divided into two groups: 144 patients with RLs
(RL+) and 55 patients without RLs (RL-), RLs observed in 72% of the autopsi
ed patients were amyloidosis (AMY) in 61 patients (31%), glomerulonephritis
(GN) in 29 patients (14%), nephrosclerosis (NPS) in 22 patients (11%), tub
ulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) in 18 patients (9%), granuloma in 2 patient
s (1%), and other lesions in 12 patients (6%), AMY occurred most frequently
in patients with lepromatous leprosy (36%; nonlepromatous leprosy, 5%; P <
0.01), recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum (33%; P < 0.02), and trophic ul
cers (27%; 0.05 < P < 0.10), Ninety-seven percent of AMY was found in patie
nts with lepromatous leprosy, 88% showed recurrent trophic ulcers, and 76%
presented with erythema nodosum leprosum, NPS was found in older patients w
ith arterial hypertension, neoplastic diseases, infectious diseases, and va
sculitis associated with GN, Most patients with AMY presented with proteinu
ria (95%) and renal failure (88%), The most frequent causes of death were r
enal failure in patients with AMY (57%), infectious diseases in patients wi
th GN (41%) and TIN (45%), and cardiovascular diseases in patients with NPS
(41%), No difference in survival rates was observed among RL- patients and
those with AMY, GN, NPS, or TIN. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundatio
n, Inc.