Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is common in patients undergoing chronic
hemodialysis, with an estimated yearly incidence of 0.2% and prevalence bet
ween 8% and 10%, Although a screening strategy based on alanine aminotransf
erase (ALT) values is currently recommended, this strategy has not been eva
luated for cost-effectiveness compared with other potential screening strat
egies. A comparison therefore was made using a decision-analysis model of a
simulated cohort of 5,000 hemodialysis patients followed up for 5 years. U
sing direct medical costs, three strategies were evaluated, including: (1)
ALT values with confirmatory testing (biochemical), (2) serial enzyme-linke
d immunosorbent and strip immunoblot assay testing (serological), and (3) p
olymerase chain reaction (viral), Under baseline assumptions, the per-patie
nt cost of screening hemodialysis patients for HCV was $378 for biochemical
-based testing, $195 for serological-based testing, and $696 for viral-base
d testing. Our model was robust when varying the costs of testing, as well
as the incidence and prevalence of HCV infection. Results of sensitivity an
alysis by varying costs, HCV incidence, and HCV prevalence indicated that s
erological-based screening was less costly than biochemical testing. Bioche
mical testing was in turn less costly than viral-based screening. Serologic
al-based testing was also more effective in the diagnosis of de novo HCV in
fection, with a likelihood ratio of 85, in contrast to the likelihood ratio
of 44 with biochemical-based testing using viral-based screening as the go
ld standard. A serological-based screening strategy is less costly and more
effective than biochemical-based screening in the diagnosis of de novo HCV
infection. Serological-based screening should be considered for HCV screen
ing in hemodialysis populations. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation
, Inc.