Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor and produces marked pressor
responses when given systemically. Studies in sheep have demonstrated that
during pregnancy the uterine vasculature is refractory to exogenously admi
nistered ET-1. We hypothesize that this pregnancy-dependent refractoriness
is due to an upregulation of local uterine metabolism of ET-1 and/or ETB re
ceptors and/or downregulation of local uterine ETA receptors. To investigat
e these possibilities, 21 nonpregnant and 17 pregnant sheep were used. Dose
-response curves to intravenous infusion of ET-1 and phenylephrine were gen
erated for pregnant and nonpregnant sheep. ET-1 infused systemically demons
trated vasoconstriction in the systemic and renal vasculature of pregnant a
nd nonpregnant animals and vasoconstriction in the uterine vasculature of n
onpregnant animals. The pregnant animals showed no uterine vascular respons
e to ET-1. In contrast, phenylephrine showed vasoconstriction in the system
ic, renal, and uterine circulations in both pregnant and nonpregnant sheep.
After experimentation, the animals were euthanized, and tissues were harve
sted for Western blot and activity analysis of neutral endopeptidase (NEP)
or RT-PCR analysis of endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE) and ETA and ETB re
ceptors. The content and activity of NEP in the uterine and renal vasculatu
re of pregnant and nonpregnant animals were similar. RT-PCR demonstrated th
e presence of ECE in the uterine vasculature of pregnant and nonpregnant sh
eep. ETA receptor mRNA was significantly reduced in pregnant compared with
nonpregnant sheep, whereas ETB receptor mRNA remained unchanged. We conclud
e that the uterine vascular refractoriness seen in the pregnant sheep is du
e to a downregulation of ETA receptors.