Today's analytical laboratory uses a large number of different instruments
that are connected in networks. Together with increasing automation, data a
re produced at a rate that can easily reach gigabytes per month, which gene
rates the problem of systematic archival. In addition, working under Good L
aboratory Practice requires that archival of raw data be performed in such
a way that they can be readily retrieved upon request, even years later. Wh
ile systematic archival of data is already performed in most laboratories,
it is the retrieval of saved information that is often far from straightfor
ward. This paper describes a simple but systematic approach for both archiv
al and retrieval of data files and related electronic documents. It consist
s of an unambiguous scheme for the naming of electronic files, an efficient
backup strategy, a simple database holding information about any data acqu
ired, and a convenient interface to this database that can be accessed from
any workplace while assuring restricted access. The system is capable of h
andling several databases concurrently and is used in our facility to archi
ve data from several workgroups. The use of freely available software such
as the Linux operating system made it possible to implement a fast and stab
le solution at exceptionally low cost.