A 73-year-old man with aortic regurgitation was examined by I-123-alpha -me
thyl-p-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) myocardial single photon emissi
on computed tomography (SPECT) in 1995. Myocardial accumulation was not evi
dent on either the early or the delayed image obtained 15 minutes and 3 hou
rs, respectively, after injecting I-123-BMIPP. Flow cytometric analysis of
CD36 expression in monocytes and platelets identified a type I CD36 deficie
ncy. The patient was hospitalized for severe heart failure in 1999. Upon ad
mission, the cardiothoracic ratio on chest Xrays was 73%, and the left vent
ricular end-diastolic diameter on echocardiograms was enlarged to 77 mm. On
the second day, we performed I-123-BMIPP myocardial SPECT. Myocardial accu
mulation was evident in the delayed, but not in the early image. We repeate
d I-123-BMIPP myocardial SPECT on the 10th day after admission. Myocardial
accumulation was evident on both early and delayed images. Tc-99m-tetrofosm
in myocardial SPECT was immediately performed after I-123-BMIPP myocardial
SPECT to distinguish myocardial from pooling images in the left ventricle,
but, because the images from both 99mTc-tetrofosmin and I-123-BMIPP myocard
ial SPECT were idential, we considered that the 123I-BMIPP myocardial SPECT
images reflected the actual myocardial condition.
The CD36 molecule transports long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) on the myocardial
membrane, but I-123-BMIPP scintigraphy does not show any myocardial accumu
lation in patients with type I CD36 deficiency, indicating that myocardial
LCFA uptake occurs through CD36 on the human myocardial membrane. Even thou
gh our patient had type I CD36 deficiency, BMIPP was uptaken by the myocard
ium during heart failure, suggesting a variant pathway on the human myocard
ial membrane for LCFA uptake.