The change in infestation levels of the mite Varroa destructor Anderson and
Trueman on adult bees during periods with little or no brood rearing (late
October/early November to early February) was investigated in 10 colonies
for two consecutive years in a Swedish climate (N57 degrees 06'E18 degrees
16'). The results do not support the hypothesis that mites become concentra
ted on the remaining bees as bees die off from the winter cluster. When the
number of all mites recovered from dead bees or from debris was used to ca
lculate mites per dead bee, the level of infestation per bee was not signif
icantly different between samples of live bee and dead bees. For modelling
purposes, we presently find no reason to differentiate the mortality rates
of bees and mites during periods when there is no or limited amounts of bro
od in the colonies, although the connection between bee mortality and mite
mortality may not be as direct as previously assumed.