Background: Little is known about outcomes of community-based treatment pro
grams for adolescents with drug problems.
Methods: We studied 1167 adolescents (age range, 11-18 years; 368 females,
799 males) from 4 US cities (Pittsburgh, Pa; Minneapolis, Minn; Chicago, Il
l; and Portland. Ore) using a naturalistic, nonexperimental evaluation desi
gn. These adolescents were consecutive admissions during the period from 19
93 to 1995 at 23 community-based treatment programs in the Drug Abuse Treat
ment Outcome Studies for Adolescents. Included were 418 admissions to 8 res
idential programs, 292 admissions to 9 outpatient drug-free programs, and 4
57 admissions to 6 short-term inpatient programs.
Results: Adolescents in treatment typically had multiple problems (eg, 58.4
% of them were involved in the legal system, and 63.0% met diagnostic crite
ria for a mental disorder). Nevertheless, less than half (43.8%) of all pat
ients reported weekly marijuana use in the year following treatment (droppi
ng from 80.4% in the year before admission). Similarly, there were decrease
s in heavy drinking (dropping from 33.8% to 20.3%), use of other illicit dr
ugs (dropping from 48.0% to 42.2%), and criminal involvement (dropping from
75.6% to 52.8%).;Additionally patients reported better psychological adjus
tment and school performance after treatment. Longer stays in treatment wer
e positively associated with several favorable outcomes, although length of
time in treatment was generally short.
Conclusions: Substance abuse treatment for adolescents is effective in achi
eving many important behavioral and psychological improvements. Strategies
specific to adolescents to improve their treatment retention and completion
are needed to maximize the therapeutic benefits of drug treatment.