Objective: To assess the relation between usual nutrient intake and subsequ
ently diagnosed age-related nuclear lens opacities.
Subjects: Four hundred seventy-eight nondiabetic women aged 53 to 73 years
from the Boston, Mass, area without previously diagnosed cataracts sampled
from the Nurses ' Health Study cohort.
Methods: Usual nutrient intake was calculated as the average intake from 5
food frequency questionnaires that were collected during a 13- to 15-year p
eriod before the evaluation of lens opacities. The duration of vitamin supp
lement use was determined from 7 questionnaires collected during this same
period. We defined nuclear opacities as a nuclear opalescence grade of 2.5
or higher using the Lens Opacification Classification System III.
Results: The prevalence of nuclear opacification was significantly lower in
the highest nutrient intake quintile category relative to the lowest quint
ile category for vitamin C (P < .001), vitamin E (P = .02), riboflavin (P =
.005), folate (P < .009), beta -carotene (P = .04), and lutein/ zeaxanthin
(P = .03). After adjustment for other nutrients, only vitamin C intake rem
ained significantly associated (P = .003 for trend) with the prevalence of
nuclear opacities. The prevalence of nuclear opacities was significantly lo
wer (P < .001) in the highest vitamin C intake quintile category relative t
o the lowest quintile category (odds ratio, 0.31; 95% confidence interval,
0.16-0.58). There were also statistically significant trends of decreasing
prevalence of nuclear opacities with increasing duration of use of vitamin
C (P = .004 for trend), vitamin E (P = .03 for trend), and multivitamin (P
= .04 for trend) supplements, but only duration of vitamin C supplement use
remained significantly associated with nuclear opacities after mutual adju
stment for use of vitamin E (P = .05 for trend) or multivitamin (P = .02 fo
r trend) supplements. The prevalence of nuclear opacities was significantly
lower (P = .004) for women who used a vitamin C supplement for 10 or more
pears relative to women who never used vitamin C supplements (odds ratio, 0
.36; 95% confidence interval, 0.18-0.72). Plasma measures of vitamins C and
E taken at the eye examination were also inversely associated with the pre
valence of nuclear opacities.
Conclusion: These results provide additional evidence that antioxidant nutr
ients play a role in the prevention of age-related nuclear lens opacities.