396 red foxes originating from the city of Berlin were examined for opistho
rchiid liver flukes and clinical sarcoptic mange between January 1997 and M
arch 1998. Out of 232 (= 58.6%) foxes positive for opisthorchiid flukes 221
animals harboured Metorchis bills and 70 were infected with Opisthorchis f
elineus. Pseudamphistomum truncatum was found only in 8 foxes. M, bills occ
urred as mono-infection in 154 animals. M. bills in combination with O. fel
ineus was found in 61 cases. Pure Opisthorchis infection as well as other f
luke combinations were found in a small number of animals only. 85 (= 21.5
%) foxes showed clinical sarcoptic mange. Liver fluke positive foxes showed
a higher mange prevalence than uninfected animals. However, significant as
sociations between flukes and mange were only found when comparing uninfect
ed foxes with those having the highest worm burden. The association of live
r flukes and mange could be established for adult female foxes by a signifi
cant Odds Ratio of 4.3.