Based on an extensive literature review, this paper reveals several gaps in
organizational learning (OL) research that need filling before we can real
ly talk about a theory of organizational learning or verify the traits and
very existence of learning organizations (LO) as a phenomenon, The critique
, however, is not targeted at any single model or theory of organizational
learning, but at theory building, which constantly drifts away with new def
initions and approaches that break up rather than construct a theory. Despi
te the fact that numerous consultation tools for turning organizations into
learning models have been developed and applied, the concept of organizati
onal learning itself still remains vague and there is an urgent need for a
holistic model of Dr, Too much emphasis is put on studying the learning of
individuals instead of concentrating on the learning of organizations. Sinc
e the theory is highly dispersed and does not really build on earlier findi
ngs, rich empirical studies are needed in order to validate measures of org
anizational learning. Modelling of the organizational learning process and
clarification of how learning of individuals is turned into learning of org
anizations is needed. This paper introduces one set of OL measures develope
d to study whether organizational learning occurred during the operational
and business culture change process of a single case company. Suggestions f
or further OL research are made on the basis of experiences gained when emp
irically testing this model.