Study objectives: To evaluate exercise testing for the assessment of the ex
tent of pulmonary disease in patients with sarcoidosis,
Design: Retrospective analysis of consecutive patients with sarcoidosis ref
erred to the Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory between 1992 and 1997, who com
pleted at least 6 min of progressive bicycle exercise. Resting and exercise
pulmonary function measurements were compared to radiographic stage of dis
Setting: Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory at Washington, DC, Veterans Affair
s Medical Center.
Patients: Forty-eight outpatient veterans with biopsy specimen-proven sarco
Results: Across all radiographic stages of sarcoidosis, total lung capacity
, resting diffusing capacity, and exercise gas exchange measurements had a
significant variance with radiographic stage. Across the early radiographic
stage disease (stages 0 to 2), the change in alveolar-arterial oxygen pres
sure gradient between rest;md exercise, normalized for oxygen uptake, was t
he most significant measurement in its variation with radiographic stage.
Conclusions: Changes in gas exchange with exercise may be the most sensitiv
e physiologic measurements to assess the extent of disease in early radiogr
aphic stages of sarcoidosis.