Viruses are important causes of nosocomial infection, but the fact that hos
pital outbreaks often result from introduction(s) from community-bared epid
emics, together with the need to initiate specific laboratory testing means
that there are usually insufficient data to allow the monitoring of trends
in incidences. The most important defenses against nosocomial transmission
of viruses are detailed and continuing education of staff and strict adher
ence to infection control policies. Protocols mast be available to assist i
n the management of patients with suspected ol confirmed viral infection in
the health care setting m this review, we present details on general measu
res to prevent the spread of viral infection in hospitals and other health
care environments. These include principles of accommodation of infected pa
tients and approaches to good hygiene and patient management. They provide
detail on individual viral diseases accompanied in each case with specific
information on control of the infection and, where appropriate, details of
preventive and therapeutic measures. The important areas of nosocomial infe
ction due to blood-borne viruses have been extensively reviewed previously
and ar-e summarized here briefly, with citation of selected review articles
. Human prion diseases, which present management problems very different fr
om those of viral infection, are not included.