Objective: The aim of this study is to detect non-linearity in the EEG of s
chizophrenia with a modified method of surrogate data. We also want to iden
tify if dimension complexity (correlation dimension using spatial embedding
) could be used as a discriminating statistic to demonstrate non-linearity
in the EEG. The difference between the attractor dimension of healthy subje
cts and schizophrenic subjects is expected to be interpreted as reflecting
some mechanisms underlying brain wave by views of non-linear dynamics analy
sis may reflect mechanistic differences.
Methods: EEGs were recorded with 14 electrodes in 18 healthy male subjects
(average age: 26.3; range: 20-35) and 18 male schizophrenic patients (avera
ge age: 30.6; range: 24-40) during a resting eye-closed state. Neither of t
wo groups was taking medicines. All artificial epochs in the EEG records we
re rejected by an experienced doctor's visual inspection.
Results: Testing non-linearity with modified surrogate data, we showed that
correlation dimension of EEG data of schizophrenia does refuse the null hy
pothesis that the data were resulted from a linear dynamic system, a decrea
se of dimension complexity was found in the EEG of schizophrenia compared w
ith controls. We interpreted it as the result of the psychopath's dysfuncti
on overall brain. The surrogating procedure results in a significant increa
se in D,.
Conclusions: Non-linearity of the EEG in schizophrenia was proven in our st
udy. We think the correlation dimension with spatial embedding as a good di
scriminating statistic for testing such non-linearity. Moreover, schizophre
nic patients' EEGs were compared with controls and a lower dimension comple
xity was found. The results of our study indicate the possibility of using
the methods of non-linear time series analysis to identify the EEGs of schi
zophrenic patients. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reser