The future use of psychedelics as an aid to therapeutic change is boun
d to come. The best source of information on how to use these extraord
inary drugs is clearly a detailed description of the successes (and fa
ilures) of those researchers who have used these compounds to bring cu
rative, creative and growth-potentiating experiences to their patients
. A study of their work is recommended in order to identify those elem
ents that lead to successful sessions. Two known essential elements ar
e ''set,'' which involves the personality and expectations of the pati
ent, and ''setting,'' which has to do with the environment of the sess
ion. A third element of importance is that of ''matrix,'' which includ
es consideration of the environment (1) from which an individual comes
, (2) in which the individual lives during the time of the sessions, a
nd (3) to which the individual returns after successful therapy-the ev
eryday living space; these three elements are discussed.