In this study, we examined the impact of occupational contact dermatitis on
quality of life. 181 patients, diagnosed with occupational contact dermati
tis over a period of 3 years (1996-1999 inclusive), were sent a questionnai
re based on the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and the Short Form-36
(SF-36). 60 (32%) patients were in industrial occupations and 27 (14%) in
health care. An overall response rate of 39% (n=70) was obtained. The media
n DLQI score was 5, with a mean score 6.6 (SD 6.4), which is similar to tha
t seen in BehcetS syndrome and urticaria. Then was no statistically-signifi
cant difference between male and female median scores (p=0.98) and no signi
ficant correlation between age and DLQI score nor between DLQI score and ti
me from diagnosis. The most problematic quality of life areas were symptoms
and feelings. Males scored highest in problems associated with work, relat
ionships and treatment, whereas females scored highest in problems associat
ed with symptoms and feelings, daily activities and leisure. The SF-36 scor
es showed an association between physical problems and emotional problems a
ffecting work. From this study, it can be seen that occupational contact de
rmatitis has an appreciable impact on quality of life.