The diagnosis of diabetic foot osteomyelitis is often difficult both clinic
ally and radiologically with a delay in radiological sign occurrence and di
fficulties of imaging interpretation. Bone biopsy is known to be the diagno
sis gold standard. However, if negative, the diagnosis of osteomyelitis can
not be excluded and this method is not harmless. An early diagnosis of oste
omyelitis is necessary to start an antibiotic treatment in conjunction with
conservative surgery. Tc-99m-HMPAO labelled leucocyte scintigraphy perform
ed in conjunction with bone scintigraphy significantly contributes to the d
iagnosis of osteomyelitis (sensitivity = 100% and specificity > 95%). In ca
se of osteomyelitis suspicion, after plain radiography, the Tc-99m-MDP bone
scintigraphy is the first step. If negative, osteomyelitis is unlikely. If
positive, a Tc-99m-HMPAO leucocyte scintigraphy should be performed in ord
er to exclude or to confirm the diagnosis of bone infection.