Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and its human equivalent, variant Cr
eutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), are caused by the same strain of infectious
agent, which is similar to, but distinct from, > 20 strains of their sheep
scrapie homologue, A better understanding of the molecular strain determin
ants could be obtained from cells in monoculture than from whole animal stu
dies where different cell targeting is commonly a strain-related feature. A
lthough a few cell types can be infected with different strains, the phenot
ypes of the emergent strains have not been studied. We have cured the scrap
ie-infected, clonal SMB cell line with pentosan sulfate, stably re-infected
it with a different strain of scrapie and shown that biological properties
and prion protein profiles characteristic of each original strain are prop
agated faithfully in this single non-neuronal cell type. These findings att
est to the fact that scrapie strain determinants are stable and host-indepe
ndent in isolated cells.