The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of three different regio
ns of interest (ROIs) varying in size and shape on broadband ultrasound att
enuation (BUA) measurements of the calcaneus. Two hundred and sixty-five po
stmenopausal Caucasian women participated in this study. In 43 women osteop
orotic fractures were documented on spinal radiographs. Bone mineral densit
y (BMD) measurements of the lumbar spine and the femur were made using dual
-energy X-ray absorptiometry. BUA measurements were obtained at a circular
ROI automatically determined by the imaging system (ROIc), at a manually tr
aced irregular ROI encompassing the posterior part of the calcaneus (ROIi),
and at an anatomical square ROI located in the posterior part of the calca
neus (ROIs). Reproducibility was better in ROIc than in ROIi and ROIs. High
correlations were found between BUA measurements with ROIc and ROIs (r = 0
.981, P < 0.0001) as well as between those with ROI, and ROIi (r = 0.965, P
< 0.0001). There were no significant differences between the correlations
of BUA with axial BMD at ROIc compared with ROIi and ROIs. No significant d
ifference was found between the areas under the ROC curve at ROIi, ROIc, an
d ROIi, for women with fractures. The results show that superior reproducib
ility makes ROIc the most appropriate region of BUA measurement in a compar
ison with ROIi and ROIs.