The dihydroxy bile acid, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), has been in widesprea
d clinical use in the Western world since the mid 1980s, when it was initia
lly used for gallstone dissolution ([1,2]) and subsequently for the treatme
nt of chronic cholestatic liver diseases ([3,4]). Many clinical trials of U
DCA in a variety of cholestatic disorders established biochemical and clini
cal improvements, and most importantly showed a significant prolongation of
transplant-free survival after four years of treatment with UDCA in patien
ts with primary biliary cirrhosis ([5]). Despite its clinical efficacy, the
precise mechanism(s) by which UDCA improves liver function during cholesta
sis is still a matter of debate ([6]). It was initially considered that the
choleretic effect of UDCA, coupled with its ability to cause a marked shif
t in the composition of the bile acid pool towards hydrophilicity, accounte
d for its mechanism of action. In recent years, however, it has become evid
ent that UDCA and its conjugated derivatives are capable of exerting direct
effects at the cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels by stabilising
cell membranes, affecting signal transduction pathways, and regulating immu
ne responses. In addition, we have shown that UDCA plays a unique role in m
odulating the apoptotic threshold in both hepatic and non-hepatic cells ([7
-10]). The purpose of this article is to examine the mechanism(s) by which
UDCA prevents apoptotic cell death associated with cholestasis. In addition
, we will also review a potentially novel and, heretofore, unrecognised rol
e of UDCA as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of non-liver diseases ass
ociated with increased levels of apoptosis as a pathogenesis of the disorde