The Escherichia coli O104 polysaccharide is an important antigen, which con
tains sialic acid and is often associated with EHEC clones. Sialic acid is
a component of many animal tissues, and its presence in bacterial polysacch
arides may contribute to bacterial pathogenicity. Wr sequenced the genes re
sponsible for O104 antigen synthesis and have found genes which from their
sequences are identified as an O antigen polymerase gene, an O antigen flip
pase gene, three CMP-sialic acid synthesis genes, and three potential glyco
syl transferase genes. The E. coli K9 group IB capsular antigen has the sam
e structure as the 0104 O antigen, and we find using gene by gene PCR that
the K9 gene cluster is essentially the same as that for 0104. It appears th
at the distinction between presence as group IB capsule or O antigen for th
is structure does not involve any difference in genes present in the O anti
gen gene cluster. By PCR testing against representative strains for the 166
E. coli O antigens and some randomly selected Gram-negative bacteria, we i
dentified three O antigen genes which are highly specific to 0104/K9. This
work; provides the basis for a sensitive test for rapid detection of O104 E
. coli. This is important both for decisions on patient care as early treat
ment may reduce the risk of life-threatening complications and for a faster
response in control of food borne outbreaks. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V
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