Objectives. Prior studies have shown that allelic loss on chromosome 1p36 o
ccurs frequently in ovarian as well as several other types of cancer. This
suggests that inactivation of gene(s) in this region may play a role in the
pathogenesis of these cancers. The aim of this study was to further deline
ate the region of loss on chromosome 1p36 in ovarian cancers and to identif
y associated patient or tumor characteristics.
Methods. Paired normal/cancer DNA samples from 75 ovarian cancers (21 early
stage I/II and 54 advanced stage III/IV) were analyzed using microsatellit
e markers.
Results, Forty-nine of 75 (65%) ovarian cancers had loss of at least one ma
rker. The marker demonstrating the most frequent loss was D1S1597, which wa
s lost in 29/57 (51%) informative cases. Allele loss on 1p36 was significan
tly more common in poorly differentiated ovarian cancers (73%) relative to
well or moderately differentiated cases (48%) (P = 0.03). Evidence was obta
ined for two common regions of deletion: one flanked by D1S1646/D1S244 and
another more proximally by D1S244/D1S228.
Conclusion. These findings further delineate regions on chromosome 1p36 pro
posed to contain tumor suppressor gene(s) that may play a role in the devel
opment and/or progression of epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Allele loss on 1
p36 is associated with poor histologic grade. (C) 2001 Academic Press.