S. Roller et al., THE MULTIPLE PRESSURE VARIABLES METHOD FOR WEAKLY COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 77, 1997, pp. 481-484
In many technical applications an initially incompressible gas flow is
accelerated and driven into the fully compressible regime. The numeri
cal simulation scheme for these processes should efficiently and accur
ately deal with both regimes. A single time scale, multiple space scal
e asymptotic analysis provides detailed insight into the low-Mach numb
er limit behavior of solutions of the compressible Euler equations. Th
is is used as a guideline for developing a semiimplicit scheme, which
involves multiple pressure variables, large scale differencing and ave
raging procedures that are discretized versions of standard operations
in multiple scales asymptotic analysis.