A suitable detection-reconstruction approach is proposed for removing impul
sive distortion and other types of deterioration from degraded image sequen
ces. The main application that has motivated this work is the problem of di
gital film restoration for the movie industry, which has only very recently
been explored. Line artifacts, which are prominent degradations in motion
picture films, are also considered here. The detection procedure consists o
f two steps. First, a morphological filter provides impulsive distortions a
nd line scratch candidates. Unlike impulsive distortions, which appear rand
omly in an image, line artifacts persist in nearby or the same location acr
oss several frames. Furthermore, the detection process is complicated by th
e fact that lines occur as natural part in interesting scenes. Therefore, w
e add a validation step for separating possible line defects from false det
ections. It consists: in tracking the potential line artifacts over the fra
mes using a Kalman filter. An interpolation technique, dealing with both lo
w and high frequencies around the detected deteriorations, is investigated
to achieve a nearly invisible reconstruction of damaged areas. (C) 2001 Els
evier Science B.V. All rights reserved.