The derivation of the diffusion approximation for the Hasselmann kinetic in
tegral describing nonlinear interactions of gravity waves in water [1] is v
alidated. It is shown that the diffusion approximation, which contains seco
nd derivatives with respect to frequency and angle (or wave-number componen
ts), follows from a successive analytical integration of a six-dimensional
Hasselmann integral even without invoking the hypothesis of quasi-local int
eractions of waves. An analysis of the integrand indicates that this approx
imation is actually the approximation of small scattering angles. It is thi
s term that was used in work [2]. However, in deriving the diffusion approx
imation, there is no need to obtain the terms containing fourth derivatives
(as was done in [2]), and one can restrict oneself to second derivatives,
in accordance with the recent work [3]. The version of the diffusion approx
imation proposed in the latter work is tested numerically, and it is shown
that this version can be used to solve practical problems.