Aim The goal of this study was to determine the role habitat availability p
lays in the distribution of obligate subterranean cave fauna in eastern Nor
th America.
Location The numbers of stygobites, troglobites and caves in the counties o
f the southeastern USA were analysed.
Methods The data were characterized by large numbers of zeroes and by spati
al clustering of non-zeroes in five regions. Regression and conditional aut
oregressive (CAR) models were used to elucidate the patterns and relationsh
ips between numbers of species and numbers of caves both locally and region
Results Local effects (regions and numbers of caves in counties) accounted
for 45% of the variation in troglobite counts (P = < 0.001) and 24% of the
variation in stygobite counts (P = < 0.001). Significant spatial autocorrel
ation among both stygobites and troglobites (P = < 0.0001) was found as wel
Conclusion Overall, habitat availability as measured by cave numbers influe
nced species richness. Spatial and regional effects also played an importan
t role in determining the observed distributions of the subterranean fauna.
Terrestrial and aquatic communities showed very different patterns in thei
r relationship to habitat and within the different regions.