Store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOC) are expressed in cultured human mesangia
l cells and activated by epidermal growth factor through a pathway involvin
g protein kinase C (PKC), We used fura-2 fluorescence and patch clamp exper
iments to determine the role of PKC in mediating the activation of SOC afte
r depletion of internal stores by thapsigargin, The measurements of intrace
llular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+],) revealed that the thapsigargin-induced
Ca2+ entry pathway was abolished by calphostin C, a protein kinase C inhibi
tor, The PKC activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), promoted a C
a2+ influx that was significantly attenuated by calphostin C and La3+ but n
ot by diltiazem, Neither PMA nor calphostin C altered the thapsigargin-indu
ced initial transient rise in [Ca2+](i-). In cell-attached patch clamp expe
riments, the thapsigargin-induced activation of SOC was potentiated by PMA
and abolished by both calphostin C and staurosporine. However, SOC was unaf
fected by thapsigargin when clamping [Ca2+](i) with 1,2-bis (o-Aminophenoxy
)ethane-N,N,N ' ,N ' tetraacetic acid tetra(acetoxymethyl)ester. In the abs
ence of thapsigargin, PMA and phorbol 12, 13-didecanoate evoked a significa
nt increase in NP, of SOC, whereas calphostin C did not affect base-line ch
annel activity, In inside-out patches, SOC activity ran down immediately up
on excision but was reactivated significantly after adding the catalytic su
bunit of 0.1 unit/ml of PKC plus 100 mum ATP, Neither ATP alone nor ATP wit
h heat-inactivated PKC rescued a rundown of SOC, Metavanadate, a general pr
otein phosphatase inhibitor, also enhanced SOC activity in inside-out patch
es. Bath [Ca2+] did not significantly affect the channel activity in inside
-out patch, These results indicate that the depletion of Ca2+ stores activa
tes SOC by PRC-mediated phosphorylation of the channel proteins or a membra
ne-associated complex.