1 We introduce a hydraulic soil-plant model with water uptake from two soil
layers; one a pulse-dominated shallow soil layer, the other a deeper soil
layer with continuous, but generally less than saturated soil moisture. Wat
er uptake is linked to photosynthetic carbon assimilation through a photosy
nthesis model for C-3 plants.
2 A genetic algorithm is used to identify character suites that maximize ph
otosynthetic carbon gain for plants that experience a particular soil moist
ure pattern. The character suites include allocation fraction to stem, leav
es and shallow root, stem capacitance and stem water storage capacity, maxi
mal leaf conductance and sensitivity of leaf conductance to plant water pot
ential, and a critical soil water potential at which shallow roots cease to
transfer water.
3 We find that if pulse water is a more important water source than deeper
soil water in the environment, optimal phenotypes lean towards adaptations
that maximize pulse water use (small root : shoot ratio, predominantly shal
low root system, high leaf conductance with high stomatal sensitivity to pl
ant water status). if deeper soil water is more important, phenotypes lean
towards adaptations that maximize deeper soil water use (large root : shoot
ratio, predominantly deep root system, lower leaf conductance with low sto
matal sensitivity). Stem succulence is adaptive only when deeper soil water
is unavailable.
4 From among the continuum of derived phenotypes, four phenotypes are selec
ted that resemble the character suites of winter annuals, drought-deciduous
perennials, evergreen perennials and stem succulents. Under common conditi
ons, these phenotypes reproduce many of the responses to drought and water
pulse observed in their respective life-form counterparts. The comparison a
lso highlights the differences in plant life-form sensitivity to summer and
winter drought conditions.
5 Based on these results, we discuss the possible role of annual precipitat
ion patterns in shaping plant adaptations and determining the plant composi
tion of arid and semi-arid environments.