Food selectivity and the mechanisms of food selection were analyzed by vide
o microscopy for three species (Spumetla. Ochromonas, Cafeteria) of interce
ption-feeding heterotrophic nanoflagellates. The fate of individual prey pa
rticles, either live bacteria and/or inert particles, was recorded during t
he different stages of the particle-flagellate-interaction, which included
capture, ingestion, digestion, and egesrion. The experiments revealed speci
es-specific differences and new insights into the underlying mechanisms of
particle selection by bacterivorous flagellates. When beads and bacteria we
re offered simultaneously, both particles were ingested unselectively at si
milar rates. However. the chrysomonads Spumella and Ochromonas egested the
inert beads after a vacuole passage time of only 2-3 min. which resulted in
an increasing proportion of bacteria in the food vacuoles. Vacuole passage
time for starved flagellates was significantly longer compared to that of
exponential-phase flagellates for Spumella and Ochromonas. The bicosoecid C
afeteria stored all ingested particles, beads as well as bacteria, in food
vacuoles for more then 30 min. Therefore "selective digestion" is one main
mechanism responsible for differential processing of prey particles. This s
election mechanism may explain some discrepancies of former experiments usi
ng inert particles as bacterial surrogates for measuring bacterivory.