Monitor lizards (Varanus exanthematicus) were used to examine the prioritiz
ation or additivity of the metabolic responses associated with exercise and
digestion, either of which can elevate metabolic rate independently. Rates
of oxygen consumption ((V) over dot(O2)) and ventilation ((V) over dot(E))
were measured in lizards during fasting exercise, postprandial rest and po
stprandial exercise. In fasting animals, (V) over dot(O2) increased with wa
lking speed to a maximal value of 15.9 ml O-2 kg(-1) min(-1) at 1.25 km h(-
1). Postprandial resting metabolic rate was elevated significantly above fa
sting levels (4.1 versus 2.0 ml O-2 kg(-1) min(-1)). During postprandial ex
ercise, (V) over dot(O2) increased to a maximal value of 18.8 ml O-2 kg(-1)
min(-1) at 1.25 km h(-1). At every level of exercise, (V) over dot(O2) was
significantly higher in postprandial animals by a similar increment; the m
aximal rate of oxygen consumption was significantly increased by 18 % in po
stprandial individuals. Maximal lie did not differ in fasting and postprand
ial animals and, therefore, the greater (V) over dot(O2max) of postprandial
animals cannot be attributed to a higher ventilation rate. Air convection
requirement ((V) over dot(E)/(V) over dot(O2)) is significantly lower in po
stprandial animals at rest and at all levels of exercise, indicating a rela
tive hypoventilation and increased pulmonary oxygen extraction efficiency.
We suggest that this increased oxygen extraction may be due to decreased ca
rdiopulmonary shunts and/or to lower mixed venous oxygen content. The data
unequivocally support an additivity model rather than prioritization models
for the allocation of elevated metabolic rate: the postprandial metabolic
increment is not suspended during exercise, but rather is added onto the co
st of exercise, It is clear that fasting exercise did not elicit truly maxi
mal levels of cardiopulmonary oxygen transport in these animals, indicating
problems for design models that make this assumption.