The relative insensitivity of traditional IQ tests to mild cognitive defici
ts has led investigators to develop a version of the widely used Wechsler i
ntelligence scales that allows quantitative analysis of underlying qualitat
ive responses. This instrument, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revis
ed as a Neuropsychological Instrument (WAIS-R NI) was administered to 16 Pa
rkinson's disease (PD) patients and 30 normal controls (NC). The 2 groups d
id not differ significantly in mean age or education. or on their mean Matt
is Dementia Rating Scale score. Relative to NC participants, PD patients sh
owed decreased visual attention span, longer response latencies, slower vis
uomotor processing, and more stimulus-bound errors. Many of the WAIS-R NI m
easures were able to detect cognitive impairment in a greater percentage of
patients than the traditional WAIS-R measures, making it easier to identif
y deficits that could affect quality of life early in the course of the dis